Thursday 4 September 2008

Leaving on a jet plane.

Do away with the 'emo' entry. Instead, I've decided to make a list of TOP 10 THINGS I'll MISS.
(not in order of preference)

1. Buying pirated DVDs that cost below 10 kuai each.
2. Shopping at wu dao kou.
3. Getting into clubs without paying cover & drinking 4 kuai tsingdao on the streets.
4. Taking the subway(2 kuai only!) regardless of distance.
5. Crappy, noisy, gossipy, FUN-LOVING friends!! (I know you guys will miss my shit. There will be no one to look for when you can't sleep at 2am. No more noisy ban gu, xiao luo and endless blasting of loud music from 520)
I'll miss you guys..take care, work hard and please have lots of fun when i'm gone! :)
6. 5 kuai fruitime (read: fruiti-me) The cheapest crack drink ever.
7. Squat toilets. Especially the public ones that have no doors and no place to wash your hands after business. You don't always miss the good stuff only. HAHA.
8. Practising and hanging out in the practise rooms till late.
9. Yang Rou Chuan, Man Tou Pian, Huo Guo and Jiao Zi.
10. Chinese Music!! (I'll have to live with marimba tunes and snare drum rolls for 2 sems.. I'll prolly get an orgasm when I hear "Ye Shen Chen" or "Chun Jiang")

Surprisingly, I've grown quite accostumed to Beijing. Went through hard times, but had lots of GOOD moments. Hopefully, 1 year later, this ever-growing city still has a small space for me. :)

Signing Off and Missing Beijing.