Wednesday 10 December 2008

Learning in Unexpected Places

I was taking a shit at a friend’s place and snooping around his stash of magazines, newspapers and books for something to read. Was told millions of times that reading while shitting is a bad habit that might cause “piles”.. But in my case, shitting can be difficult at times, and reading something while at it just makes it a whole lot easier.

Back to the main thing…I chanced upon a small book that contained the teachings of the Dalai Lama. There was a page that said this:

I think that leaving aside how the endless pursuit of romantic love may affect our deeper spiritual growth, even from the perspective of a conventional way of life, the idealization of this romantic love can be seen as extreme.

Unlike those relationships based on care and genuine affection, this is another matter. It is something based on fantasy, unattainable and therefore maybe a source of frustration so on that basis, it cannot be seen as a positive thing.

Makes A LOT OF SENSE when you think about it.

Talk about being enlightened in the toilet!

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